Success Story: Teaching a Pack Leader to Retire
We recently had the great privilege to work with an adorable family, teaching their dogs to respect their one-year-old twins. They gave...

Success Story: Deaf German Shepherd gets a second chance
When this couple adopted a lovable, deaf German Shepherd (GSD), no one could have prepared them for the destruction that ensued. Because...

Success Story: Helping new parents set safer expectations for their pup
Becoming a new parent is a beautiful yet stressful time of learning and bonding as a family. As the parents are adjusting to their new...

Success Story: From the owner's point of view
This week we got the privilege of working with a pup named Sonny and his owner Mary and her family. We were called in to help them...

Blended Dog Household Success!
We were called in to help blend household and their beloved dogs. This couple was trying their hardest to integrate their dogs into one...