Success Story: Pup problems turn into a blessing
When there was a sudden change in their dog's behavior, these owners were baffled and called us for help. Their Lhasa Apso was used to...

Success Story: Helping new parents set safer expectations for their pup
Becoming a new parent is a beautiful yet stressful time of learning and bonding as a family. As the parents are adjusting to their new...

Success Story: Preparing to adopt new fur babies
When adding a new dog to the pack, it is crucial to have complete respect and obedience from any current dogs before introducing the new...

Success Story: From the owner's point of view
This week we got the privilege of working with a pup named Sonny and his owner Mary and her family. We were called in to help them...

Success Story: Renewing peace of mind
After an incident of your beloved dog biting a stranger, it is expected for you to be a little shocked and unsure of how to handle the...

Success Story: Mending Fences
Barking is one of the most common issues we get asked to help correct. When these owners called us, they were so upset about the issues...